Our Team


Dr. Raúl Montoliu

Raúl Montoliu received the B.S degree in computer sciences in 1988 from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). In 2008, he received the Ph. D. degree in advanced computer systems from the same university. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Senior Researcher at the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT), both from Jaume I University. His current research interests include indoor positioning and indoor navigation, Human activity monitoring and Game AI.


Dr. Emilio Sansano-Sansano

Emilio Sansano-Sansano received the B.S. degree in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, in 2002, the B.S. degree in computer science from the National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain, in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Jaume I University (UJI) in 2020. He is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design (DESID). He is also a member of the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT). His current research interests include machine learning and deep learning with applications to smart environments and human activity recognition.


Dr. Marina Martínez-Carcía

Marina Martinez-Garcia received the B.S. degree in mathematics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in 2014. She is a Professor in the mathematics Department of Universitat Jaume I, Castelló Spain. He is also a member of the Institut de Matemàtiques de Castello (IMAC). Her current research interests include machine learning and deep learning with applications in neuroscience.


Mr. Alex Martínez-Martínez
PhD student

Alex Martínez Martínez received the computer science degree from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). He also received a Master degree in Artificial Intelligence from the same university. Currently he is a PhD student focusing on the AI for games and recommender systems.


Mr. Juan José Muñoz Falcó
PhD student

Juan José Muñoz Falcó received the B.A. degree in Humanities from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). He also received two specific Master degrees in History from the same university. He has written the first book in Spanish about a video game company from Spain, specialized in the text adventure genre. Currently he lives in Japan and is dedicated to teaching the Spanish language.


David Agost Beltrán
PhD Student

David Agost Beltrán received the Computer Science degree from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). He also received a Master degree in Big Data from Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC). Currently he is a PhD student focusing on machine learning and deep learning with applications in neuroscience, and he is working as a Data Engineer for a big company. He is also interested in Natural Language Processing.


Cristian Valero

Cristian Valero Abundio is currently studying for a degree in Computational Mathematics. He is actively engaged in research on indoor positioning systems, focusing on the development and enhancement of algorithms for accurate indoor navigation. His academic and professional interests include artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision.


Ignasi Tormo Blanch
Undergraduate grant

Ignasi Tormo Blanch is a 21-year-old student pursuing a degree in Computational Mathematics at the University Jaume I (UJI). Passionate about artificial intelligence and machine learning, Ignasi is focused on researching and developing technologies that enable AI to think and act more like humans, rather than simply following predefined patterns. He is currently collaborating with the university on a project aimed at improving image quality using artificial intelligence, contributing his knowledge and skills to advance the field of computer vision.


Héctor Rubio Rico

Héctor Rubio Rico earned a degree in Video Game Design and Development from Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, Spain. His portfolio includes independently published video game projects available on itch.io and the Google Play Store. He is currently employed as a research fellow and continues to develop video games as personal projects during his leisure time.


Manuel Lumbreras Catalá

Manuel Lumbreras Catalá is currently studying for a degree in Industrial Technology Engineering at the University Jaume I (UJI) as a member of the high academic achievement group (EURUJI). At high school, he succeeded in courses of robotics, programming and 3d printing. From 2018 to 2022, he took part in the program ESTALMAT (from Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España), where he learned from University Mathematics Professors focusing on the ability to deal with problems.


Alberto Martí LLorens

Alberto Martí began his current studies at the branch of Microcomputer Systems and Networks in 2023 at the IES El Caminàs of Castellon (Spain). Nowadays, he is about to finish his medium level course. His current research interest include cybersecurity, application and web programming.


Ramón Martí

JRamón Martí, a 20 year old student, has an intermediate degree and a higher degree in multimedia application development. Enthusiastic about the new generation of technology, he is currently studying a specialization in AI and Big Data at IES Benigasló. His main interest is how AI will adapt to current and future times.


Victor García

Victor Garcia is a 23-year-old student who received the Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design in Illustration degree in 2022 and is currently pursuing to become a Higher Technician in 3D Animation, Games, and Interactive Environments. They have illustrated various books and are currently focused on developing their own artistic style.


Dr. Antoni Pérez-Navarro

Dr. Antoni Perez-Navarro has a phD in Physics for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona(UAB) since 2000. He got his bachelor in physics, also from UAB, in 1995. He is lecturer in the Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication department (EIMT department), since 2005. He is also a member eHealthLab research group. Nowadays is the director of the Technological Observatory of the EIMT department. Apart from his activities at UOC, he works, since the year 2007, at Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS). His main research interests are indoor positioning, prevention of diseases via smartphones, and e-Learning.


Dr. Joaquín Torres-Sospedra

Joaquín Torres-Sospedra received his PhD from Universitat Jaume I in 2011. He is currently a MSCA postdoctoral fellow at the University of Minho (Guimarães, Portugal), where he works on Indoor Positioning (Wi-Fi, BLE, VLC, Machine Learning) for Industrial applications. He has authored more than 160 articles in journals and conferences, and has supervised 16 Master and 2 PhD Students. Currently, he is supervising 6 PhD students. He is the chair of the IPIN International Standards Committee and IPIN Smartphone-based off-site Competition.


Dr. Abraham Batalla

Graduated in Sport Science from the UB in 2009, with 2 masters in high performance sports in 2011 at the UB. PhD degree in 2017 from the UDL. Graduated in physiotherapy from the UCH-CEU in 2018. Senior Basketball Coach with international experiences in China. Specialist in psycho-physiological needs analysis in small field women's team sports. I am currently working on my second doctoral thesis.

Past Members


Gonzalo Ramia


Diego Renau


Alejandro Toro


Javier Gaviña


Nadia Montaña


Álvaro López


Izan Martínez


Ruben Femenia


Sergi Fuster